FET firmware and IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 5.40

Technical Note 12731






2015-11-06 10:05


This Technical Note applies to IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 versions 5.40.x and 5.50.x. The message seen is:

Could not find device (or device not supported)

Note for version 5.51 (and later)

Since IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 version 5.51.x, it is no longer possible to use the v2 version DLL or firmware (since the firmware API has changed). To downgrade the FET firmware to v2 anyway, use:

"<Installation directory>\430\bin\UpdateTool -u DOWN"


In IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 version 5.40.x, the msp430.dll and FET firmware has been upgraded to version 3. This early v3 version of the DLL and firmware had known issues with some specific MSP430 devices. (This has been corrected in later releases of the v3 DLL).

Note that the Sequencer, the Static Storage window and the Advanced Cycle Counter for 5xx devices are not supported when using IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 5.40.x and version v3 of the msp430.dll. Support for the Advanced Cycle Counter for 5xx devices was re-introduced in IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 6.20.1.

Solution 1

Upgrade to a later version of IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430.

Solution 2

Downgrade to the v2 version of msp430.dll and firmware.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Exit IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430.
  2. Try running the "\430\bin\V32V2.bat" utility, to downgrade the FET firmware.
  3. Copy the "430\bin\MSP430v2.dll" to "430\bin\msp430.dll".
  4. Try debugging again.
  5. (You may have to add "--eemapi=v1" to the Extra options tab on Options -> Debugger).

Read about "V32V2.bat" in the Release Notes for IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 version 5.40.


The v3 FET firmware uses "CDC" USB drivers in Microsoft Windows. Check in the Device Manager that this is true on your computer (see screenshots). If you cannot see the "CDC" driver when using a v3 FET probe, you may have to disconnect the FET and re-install the FET drivers.

The v2 FET firmware uses "VCP" USB drivers in Windows. Check in the Device Manager that this is true on your computer (see screenshots). If you cannot see the "VCP" driver when using a v2 FET probe, you may have to disconnect the FET and re-install the FET drivers.


How can I tell whether my MSP-FET430 was updated to the MSP430.DLLv3 or not?


When you connect the FET probe, the LEDs will show which version you are using: Older, un-updated interfaces will blink: red-red-red-green (green remains on). Updated v3 probes will just light up the green LED, when connecting to the PC.


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