IAR Build Tools for Arm

Streamlined automated build and test processes in frameworks built on Ubuntu, Red Hat or Windows.


Cross-platform support

The build tools include the IAR C/C++ Compiler, IAR Assembler, Linker and the command line build utility IARBuild, supporting implementation in cross platform-based frameworks for automated application build and test processes. Static code analysis is available with the add-on product C-STAT.


Flexible and high performance

Suitable for installations ranging from a few licenses on a small build server, to massive installations with several hundreds of parallel builds active at the same time. The build tools enable large-scale deployments of critical software building and testing.


8,800+ supported Arm devices

Support for all 32-bit Arm cores from all major vendors and selected 64-bit Arm cores, including Arm Cortex-M0, Cortex-M0+, Cortex-M1, Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7, Cortex-M23, Cortex-M33, Cortex-M55, Cortex-M85, Cortex-R4, Cortex-R5, Cortex-R7, Cortex-R8, Cortex-R52, Cortex-R52+, Cortex-R82, Cortex-A5, Cortex-A7, Cortex-A8, Cortex-A9, Cortex-A15, Cortex-A17, Cortex-A32, Cortex-A35, Cortex-A53, Cortex-A55, Cortex-A57, Cortex-A72 and Arm11, Arm9, Arm7 and SecurCore.


Modern workflows with cross-platform benefit

Support for modern and scalable build server topologies on Ubuntu, Red Hat and Windows for CI/CD pipelines including Virtual Machines, Containers (Docker) and Self-hosted Runners.

Automated workflows

Enabled by IAR Build Tools for Arm

Today's development practices require automated processes to ensure quality, and to run builds and tests continuously. All changes, even minor ones, are merged back to the main branch or repository in a build server so they can be committed and validated in small steps to avoid the integration nightmare to guarantee that all pieces work together just before a release. Merges are done as often as possible or at least once a day.

Many companies are bringing this approach to the next level by adding automated release processes and deployment of the application at any time.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in an efficient way

Build servers and build farms require flexible and high-performance environments. By using our build tools, you are able to use Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) in cross-platform environments natively or as virtual machines or containers with high performance. This allows you to focus on the source code and not worry about time-consuming manual tasks, while errors are caught automatically.

Product overview

Get to know the IAR Build Tools for Arm in this video

Latest releases

We are constantly updating and refining our tools with new features, new device support and extended capabilities

Latest version: 9.40.2

  • Support for new devices

    Added support for devices from ABOV, Ambiq, AutoChips, CKS, GeneralPlus, Microchip, NXP, Puya, Renesas, Silicon Labs, STMicroelectronics, and Texas Instruments. See the complete list in the release notes.

Read complete release notes

Version: 9.40

  • Arm PACBTI support
    Implements the pointer authentication security mechanism initially launched in the Arm Cortex-M85 core.

  • Arm Cortex-A32 support
    Adds support for the Arm Cortex-A32 32-bit core based on the Armv8-A AARCH32 architecture.

  • New compiler GCC extensions
    The following GCC extensions are now supported by the compiler

    • the __auto_type specifier

    • the format function attribute

    • the warn_unused_result function attribute

  • Support for new devices
Read complete release notes

Version: 9.32

  • Arm Cortex-R82 support
    Support for the new high performance 64-bit Cortex-R82 core based on the ARMv8-R AARch64 architecture.
  • Support for new devices
Read complete release notes

Version: 9.30

  • Arm Cortex-M85 support
  • Arm Cortex-M Custom Instructions support​​​​​​
  • Cortex-R52+ support​​​​​​
  • Extended Armv8-A support
  • Library support for the C++17 language standard
  • Additional GNU C language extensions
  • Visual Studio Code support
    The IAR Build and IAR C-SPY Debug extensions available on Microsoft Marketplace enable you to work in Visual Studio Code (with IAR Build Tools or IAR Embedded Workbench installed) to:
    - Build IAR Embedded Workbench projects
    - Run the C-STAT static analysis tool
    - Debug applications* using the same range of hardware/debug probes as in IAR Embedded Workbench

    *requires IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm

  • Support for new devices

Read complete release note

Optimizing your resources

Streamlined development and test help optimize time spent developing and testing as well as license management and server utilization. Our build tools are suitable for installations ranging from a few licenses on a small build server, to massive installations with several hundreds of parallel builds active at the same time.

By standardizing on flexible and high-performance development tools, companies can benefit from improved license and cost management while improving collaboration and enhancing productivity. For engineering teams and individual engineers, there is a lot to gain from having access to an uninterrupted workflow. In addition, we provide global technical support, and flexible training programs.

Standardize on future-proof tools and services and gain a robust,
flexible and complete platform for all aspects of embedded software


Webinar on-demand

Explore Embedded Development Solutions for Arm with VS Code Extensions

Get to know all that’s new and exciting in v.9.30 of IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm and IAR Build Tools for Arm, including the Extensions for VS code.

Join this on demand webinar presented by Anders Lundgren - Product Manager for Arm Solutions and Rafael Taubinger - Product Marketing Manager and take opportunity to explore the latest features in a practical demo.

Register for webinar

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We are present worldwide to help you wherever you are, and we are happy to answer any questions you might have about our products.

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